Niet alleen Blizzard heeft te maken met voidwalkers, ook Riot krijgt geregeld bezoek van iemand uit de leegte. Dit keer is het een AD Carry genaamd Kai’Sa die de championpool van League of Legends komt versterken. Op het eerste gezicht een high risk high reward champion, een combinatie die altijd interessant is voor de competitive scene. Riot games presenteerde de damage dealer die haar vijanden infecteert met plasma langzaam de void intrekt.
Dit zijn haar abilities:
- Second Skin (P):
Kai’Sa’s passive has two parts – Caustic Wounds adds stacks of Plasma, which deals bonus damage at a certain value. Living Weapon is similar to Kha’Zix’s ability to evolve his abilities. - Caustic Wounds:
Kai’Sa’s basic attacks mark enemies with Plasma, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. After a few successive attacks, the Plasma ruptures for a burst of damage based on the target’s missing health. Nearby allies’ immobilizing effects add stacks of Plasma. - Living Weapon:
Kai’Sa’s symbiote-suit adapts to her chosen attack style, evolving her abilities based on permanent stats gained from shop items and experience level. - Ithacan Rain (Q):
Kai’Sa releases a swarm of missiles evenly distributed among nearby enemies, with additional hits on the same target dealing slightly reduced damage.
Living Weapon: With enough bonus Attack Damage, Icathian Rain fires significantly more missiles. - Void Seeker (W):
Kai’Sa fires off a beam of Void energy, revealing the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage, and applying stacks of Plasma.
Living Weapon: With enough bonus Ability Power, Void Seeker deals more damage and partially refunds the cooldown on champion hit. - Supercharger (E):
Kai’Sa charges up, briefly increasing her movement speed but losing the ability to attack. After charging up, Kai’Sa whips out the big guns to increase her attack speed for a few seconds. Basic attacks reduce Supercharger’s cooldown.
Living Weapon: With enough bonus Attack Speed, Supercharger briefly grants true invisibility while charging up. - Killer Instinct (R):
Kai’Sa dashes at extremely high speed with long range to a location near an enemy champion marked with Plasma and briefly gains a damage-absorbing shield.
Op het eerste gezicht lijkt Kai’Sa extreem veelzijdig en mobiel. Perfect voor de laning phase, maar ook voor jungle en teamfights. Al lijkt haar gameplay vrij lastig, we achtten de kans toch groot dat je haar binnenkort in alle divisies terugziet in de Summoner’s Rift.